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​Driven to Exclude: How Core Social Motives Explain Social Exclusion by Michael S. North and Susan T. Fiske
Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail by John P. Kotter
Americans misperceive racial economic equality by Kraus et al. (2017)
Implicit Theories of Change as a Barrier to Change on College Campuses: An Examination of STEM Reform by Kezar et al. (2015)
Race and Gender Oppression in the Classroom: The Experiences of Women Faculty of Color with White Male Students by Pittman (2010)
Facilitating Change in Undergraduate STEM Instructional Practices: An Analytic Review of the Literature by Henderson et al. (2011)
The One Less Traveled By: The Road to Lasting Systemic Change in Engineering Education by Graham (2012)
Gender Differences in Physics 1: The Impact of a Self-Affirmation Intervention by Kost-Smith et al. (2010)
Department Level Instructional Change: Comparing Prescribed Versus Emergent Strategies by Fisher and Henderson (2018)
The Four I's of Oppression
Conceptualizing the Notion of Deficit Thinking by Richard R. Valencia
Why they leave: the impact of stereotype threat on the attrition of women and minorities from science and engineering majors by Beasley and Fischer (2012)
Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Implications for Clinical Practice by Sue et al. (2007)
Stereotype Threat and the Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans by Steele and Aronson (1995)
Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM by Rainey et al. (2018)
Reducing the Racial Achievement Gap: A Social-Psychological Intervention by Cohen et al. (2006)
Where are the Gender Differences? Male Priming Boosts Spatial Skills in Women by Ortner and Sieverding (2008)
Deconstructing Macroaggressions, Microaggressions and Structural Racism in Education: Developing a Conceptual Model for the Intersection of Social Justice Practice and Intercultural Education by Osanloo et al. (2016)
Talking About Race, Learning About Racism: The Application of Racial Identity Development Theory in the Classroom by Tatum (1992)
The PULSE Vision and Change Rubric 2.0
The PULSE Vision and Change Snapshot Rubric 2.0
The PULSE Theory of Change
HHMI Pedagogy Starting Points